Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kusumba Mosque

Kusumba Mosque is named after the village of Kusumba, under the Manda upazila of Naogaon district, on the west bank of the Atrai river. It is inside a walled enclosure with a monumental gateway that has standing spaces for guards. It was built during the period of Afghan rule in Bengal under one of the last Suri rulers Ghiyasuddin Bahadur Shah, by one Sulaiman who was probably a high ranking official. The inscription tablet in Arabic (only the word 'built by' is in Persian) dating the building to 966 AH (1558-59 AD) is fixed over its eastern central entrance.The mosque has a rectangular plan with three bays and two aisles, three entrances on the east and two each on the north and south sides.The mosque, presently protected by the Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh.

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